Thursday, December 6, 2012

Code of Conduct

My Blog is designed to be a tool for those who have a desire in learning how to cope, manage and overcome Fibromyalgia symptoms.

I (owner/author/administrator) reserve the right to delete any post at any time without explanation.  I also reserve the right to change this Code of Conduct at any time, at my discretion.

Here are the rules:

1.  No trolling and/or spamming.
2.  No profanity or insulting remarks.
3.  No political comments/discussions allowed, unless directly pertaining to Fibromyalgia.
4.  No religious comments/discussions allowed, unless directly pertaining to Fibromyalgia.
5.  Participants are to conduct themselves as adults and refrain from being inconsiderate in any

Violation of any of the rules above will result in your post(s) being deleted immediately.  I have a zero tolerance policy.

All of you are welcome to provide blog topic suggestions and ask any questions at any time. 

I do not guarantee that any of my methods, suggestions, research, etc. will help relieve, manage or overcome your own Fibromyalgia illness.  I am merely providing my own expertise, opinions and optimism in an effort to alleviate what we Fibromyalgia survivors encounter on a continuous basis.

Have a fabulous and fun-filled day!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Diagnosed with fibromyalgia exactly twenty years ago (when it was still in its infancy), I decided it was time to start celebrating my many accomplishments by starting this blog.

Here you will discover how fibromyalgia completely transformed me from who I was to who I am today.  I will share survival methods I developed to combat the illness, explore and discuss new ideas, alternative methods, etc. and I will have some dear friends of mine stopping by from time to time to be my blogging guests.  

I am looking forward to this next chapter in my life and helping others with fibromyalgia (and related illnesses) reach the next chapter in their lives as well.  A few household rules apply to my blog.  These rules will be posted in a few days.